Cornerstone Farm Team
2013-2014 Membership Information
Coaches: Monica Hunt and Triston SmithContact: [email protected]
Cornerstone Farm is a member of the Interscholastic Equestrian Association. The team is open to riders in grades 6 through 12 from any public or private school. Homeschooled riders are also welcome!
The Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) was developed to bring recognition to high school and middle school riders as athletes, giving them the opportunity to compete in events similar to those that they will encounter when they are part of a college team. The IEA has developed a program that allows riders to be part of a team and benefit from being a contributing part of a group, while having the opportunity to earn scholarships for higher education. In addition, the IEA offers the chance for colleges and universities to connect with IEA members and expose them to their programs and scholarships.
To learn more about the IEA and the benefits of being part of the Cornerstone Team visit
Members of the Cornerstone Team will be given the opportunity to compete at regular season IEA sanctioned events throughout the school year, from approximately September 15, 2013- March 1, 2014. Riders and teams work during this time to earn points to qualify for post-season competitions.
To continue be a safe and competitive team, all riders are required to attend a minimum of one regular weekly lesson as well as one team practice. Riders who compete with the Cornerstone Team but lesson outside the farm are required to submit written proof of regular attendance to a lesson program.
As a member of the IEA, the Cornerstone Farm team will be hosting a horse show on October 27, 2013. It is a fun and exciting opportunity for our members to participate in hosting an IEA show. It is a requirement of every team member to participate in organizing and hosting of this show, therefore we ask all members to save the date!!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees that are associated with the team?What kind of apparel and equipment should I be expected to have?
Are there consignment shops available to purchase show apparel?
How many horse shows will the team attend during the season?
What post-season competitions are held?
How many points are required to qualify for post-season competition?
How do I know which division I will be riding in?
Q. What are the fees that are associated with the team?
IEA Membership: $45
Cornerstone Farm Team Membership:$100
Team practices:
Members of Cornerstone Lesson Program- $50
Non-members- $55
Regular Season Class Fees: $40/Class
Regular Season Coaching Fees: $50- Flat only Riders / $75- Fences & Flat Riders
Q. What kind of apparel and equipment should I be expected to have?
Cornerstone Team riders will compete in attire similar to that expected of riders who compete in Equitation and Hunter competitions. This consists of tan breeches or jods, boots, an SEI approved helmet, a dark colored show jacket and black gloves. A detailed list of clothing and equipment will be provided to each rider at their request.
Q. Are there consignment shops available to purchase show apparel?
There are several shops available within driving distance from Cornerstone Farm. We recommend that you call ahead.
Pegasus Farm Tack Shop - Acton, MA
The Equestrian Shop - North Andover, MA
Hunter Pace Tack Shop - Middleborough, MA
Q. How many horse shows will the team attend during the season?
The team does not have a set amount of shows that it must attend during the regular show season, but each individual rider is limited to 5 shows per class.
Q. What post-season competitions are held?
The Cornerstone Farm team is located in IEA Zone 1 Region 1. After the completion of the regular season, all qualifying riders and teams will attend a Region Finals. Following Region Finals there will be an IEA Zone 1 Finals held in western Massachusetts, and finishing the season there will be an IEA National Finals.
In 2014 the IEA will be bringing the Hunt Seat National Finals back to New England! It will be held May 16-18, 2014, at the Big E in Springfield, MA.
Q. How many points are required to qualify for post-season competition?
Region Finals: Riders must earn at least 15 points in each class. Teams must earn at least 20 points. Zone and National Finals: These two competitions can only accommodate a set number of competitors per class. The number that will be accepted from each Region and Zone Finals is determined by the IEA using national rider population data. More detailed information about how this is calculated is outlined in Rule 8504.3 in the 2013-14 IEA Rules and Regulations of Membership.
Q. How do I know which division I will be riding in?
The IEA show format requires that riders compete on horses that they have little to no experience with. For this reason, they have set guidelines in the Rulebook for coaches to reference when assigning riders to divisions. Typically, in the IEA a rider will find themselves competing a full level or two below the one in which they are comfortable competing on at home on their regular mount.
2013-14 Hunt Seat Class Divisions
Upper School Divisions
Varsity Open – Class 1 & 6
Equitation o/f 2’6” – Riders should be capable of jumping 3’-3’6” on their usual mounts at home. Riders may have shown in any horse show, recognized or unrecognized, at 3’3” or above. Coaches should be confident these riders could safely perform over a 2’6” Hunter or equitation course on an unfamiliar horse. Riders should be able to perform tests 1-13.
Varsity Intermediate – Class 2 & 7
Equitation o/f 2’ – Riders should be capable of jumping 2’6”-3’ on their usual mounts at home. Intermediate Riders may have shown in any horse show, recognized or unrecognized, at 3’ or below. Riders who have won 10 or more blue ribbons at 3’ must be placed in Varsity Open O/F. Coaches should be confident these riders would be able to safely perform over 2’ Hunter or equitation course on an unfamiliar horse. Riders should be able to perform tests 1-9.
Junior Varsity Novice – Class 3 & 8
Equitation o/f x-rails – Riders should be capable of jumping 2’-2’6” on their usual mounts at home. Junior Varsity Novice Riders may have shown in any horse show, recognized or unrecognized, at 2’6” or below. Riders who have won 10 or more blue ribbons at 2’6” must be placed in the next higher appropriate level. Riders should have a minimum of one- year of professional instruction over fences. Coaches should be confident these riders would be able to safely perform over an x-rails Hunter course or equitation course on an unfamiliar horse. Riders should be able to perform tests 1-8.
Junior Varsity Beginner – Class 9 & Optional Class 9X (walk/trot)
Equitation on the flat Walk/Trot/Canter – Open to riders who are not eligible for Novice level jumping classes, but should be experienced enough to canter an unfamiliar animal in a group. These riders should be capable of performing Hunt Seat Tests 1 through 7. A Beginner rider may not have shown over fences larger than 2’ in any horse show.
Middle School Divisions
Future Intermediate – Class 4 & 10
Equitation o/f 2’ – Restricted to middle school riders who meet the criteria for Varsity Intermediate Classes 2 & 7.
Future Novice – Class 5 & 11
Equitation o/f x-rails - Restricted to middle school riders who meet the criteria for JV Novice Class 3 & 8.
Future Beginner – Class 12 & Optional Class 12X (walk/trot)
Equitation on the flat Walk/Trot/Canter – Restricted to middle school riders who meet the eligibility requirements of Junior Varsity Beginner Class 9.
Hunt Seat Rider Tests
1. Asked an appropriate horsemanship question that is tailored to the rider’s ability level
2. Halt
3. Sitting trot
4. Two point position at the walk and/or trot
5. Figure eight at trot, demonstrating change of diagonals
6. Figure eight at canter on correct lead, demonstrating simple change of lead
7. Change Horses
8. Ride without stirrups
9. Change leads down center of ring, demonstrating simple change of lead
10. Canter on the counter lead. No more than eight horses may counter canter at one time
11. Half-turn on forehand and/or half-turn on haunches
12. Jump a shortened course
13. Trot a jump not to exceed 2’6”